Course Description
This advanced [Level 2] course is designed to teach the student how to apply the principles of fitness and wellness utilizing aerobics both in the class and outside the class. Students will be provided the opportunity to present a practical application of their knowledge during the class. Students create lesson plans and correct their students’ movements, steps and forms when they do the workouts for maximum benefit. Often, students modify lesson plans to meet a specific need of students in the course, such as weight loss or toning. The class must include all aspects of a fitness routine. Following the success of SAASS Certified Power Aerobics Instructor – Level 1 course, MOVE ON presents the AEROBIC ADVANCED INSTRUCTOR COURSE named SAASS Certified Power Aerobics Instructor Level 2; open to all certified Instructors in Aerobics level 1, Step and Group Fitness. During the first three days of the course a team of fantastic professionals will work on each instructor, making them grow, sharing techniques, knowledge and charisma. The program will be focused on main choreographic aspects of group fitness. Aerobic, Aerobic Dance, Dance Styles and Step will be the disciplines used to develop skills, communication and presentation. During the course, our Aerobic and Step aerobics advisors will introduce different awarded sessions taught in International contexts. In the course they will share their passion and experience with all attendees.